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It pays to have friends!

Earn a $2500 Referral Bonus for a successful hire of 120 days or more. Read all about the Referral Bonus Policy and email Cat Buchanan with the referral contact information.

Read our company news

Read all about the upcoming business, Employee spotlight, and Employee of the Quarter winners in our quarterly Newsletters and the Special Edition.


Thank you for attending the Family Picnic- it was a huge success! We can't wait to host it again in July 2025!


Get ready to celebrate the season in style! Join us for the Valiant Holiday Party on Saturday, December 7, 2024 at the beautiful St. Francis Hall in Washington, DC. It is set to be an evening filled with fun, delicious food and plenty of holiday cheer! Explore the Valiant Holiday Party website and please RSVP by COB November 15th.