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GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)

  • IT Facility Operation and Maintenance
  • IT Systems Development Services
  • IT Systems Analysis Services
  • Automated Information Systems Design and Integration Services
  • Programming Services
  • IT Data Conversion Services
  • Other IT Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)

Contract Number: GS-35F- 290AA

PoP: 3/27/2013 - 3/26/2033

POC: Matt Raydo,

The GSA MAS is the largest, most widely used acquisition vehicle in the Federal Government. It can be used by any Agency to provide direct access to products, services, and solutions.


GSA Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS), Special Item Number (SIN) 54151

  • High-Value Asset Assessments
  • Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
  • Cyber Hunt
  • Incident Response
  • Penetration Testing

This HACS SIN, available through the Information Technology Category (ITC) under GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), provides agencies quicker access to key, pre-vetted support services that will expand agencies’ capacity to test their high-priority IT systems, rapidly address potential vulnerabilities, and stop adversaries before they impact our networks.

GSA Cloud Computing and Cloud Related Information Technology (IT) Professional Services, Special Item Number (SIN) 518210C

  • Cloud Security
  • Cloud Computing
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (Paas)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Cloud Related IT Services including: Adoption, Analysis, Migration, Optimization

The Cloud Computing and Cloud Related IT Professional Services SIN is available under GSA's Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) and includes commercially available cloud computing services such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) and emerging cloud computing services. IT professional services that are focused on providing the types of services that support the Government's adoption of, migration to, or governance/management of cloud computing. Specific cloud related IT professional labor categories and/or fixed-price professional services solutions (e.g., migration services) that support activities associated with assessing cloud solutions, refactoring workloads for cloud solutions, migrating legacy or other systems to cloud solutions, providing management/governance of cloud solutions, DevOps, developing cloud native applications, or other cloud oriented activities are within scope of this SIN.


GSA Corporate IT Services (IC) BPA

  • Program Management Support
  • Strategies for System Concepts and Design
  • Implementation of Software and Other Technologies
  • Systems Administration
  • Information Systems Security

Contract Number: 47HAA021A0013

Ceiling: $250M

PoP: 7/15/2021 - 7/14/2026

POC: Megan Hiorth,

Valiant uses Agile techniques and other advanced methodologies to enhance efficiency and effectiveness while freeing up GSA to focus on its core mission.

NITAAC CIO-SP3 Small Business badge

CIO-SP3 Small Business

  • Task Area 1 – IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
  • Task Area 2 – Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
  • Task Area 3 – Imaging
  • Task Area 4 – Outsourcing
  • Task Area 5 – IT Operations and Maintenance
  • Task Area 6 – Integration Services
  • Task Area 7 – Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
  • Task Area 8 – Digital Government
  • Task Area 9 – Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Task Area 10 – Software Development

Contract Number: 75N98120D00102
(Awarded Contract) (Latest Conformed Contract)
Sponsor: National Institute of Health (NIH)

Administrator: NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC)
Program Ceiling: $20 Billion
Valiant Labor Rates:
(Government Site Hourly Rates) (Contractor Site Hourly Rates)
Prompt Payment Terms:  Valiant’s Prompt Payment Terms are net 30 days
Expiration Date:  10/29/2024

Valiant POC: Leo Trendowicz, 202.420.0783,

(View Valiant's Detailed CIO SP3 Small Business Page)

As a CIO-SP3 Small Business contract holder, Valiant went through a comprehensive screening process, including review of technical capabilities, past performance, price, and cost. Valiant is an awardee in the Small Business Group and is qualified in all 10 Task Areas.

NITAAC CIO-SP3 Small Business badge

CIO-SP3 Small Business HUBZone

  • Task Area 1 – IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
  • Task Area 2 – Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
  • Task Area 3 – Imaging
  • Task Area 4 – Outsourcing
  • Task Area 5 – IT Operations and Maintenance
  • Task Area 6 – Integration Services
  • Task Area 7 – Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
  • Task Area 8 – Digital Government
  • Task Area 9 – Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Task Area 10 – Software Development

Contract Number: HHSN316201800058W

(Awarded Contract) (Latest Conformed Contract)
Sponsor: National Institute of Health (NIH)

Administrator: NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC)
Program Ceiling: $20 Billion
Valiant Labor Rates: (Government Site Hourly Rates) (Contractor Site Hourly Rates)
Prompt Payment Terms:  Valiant’s Prompt Payment Terms are net 30 days
Expiration Date: 10/29/2024

Valiant POC: Leo Trendowicz, 202.420.0783,

(View Valiant's Detailed CIO SP3 Small Business Page)

As a CIO-SP3 Small Business HUBZone contract holder, Valiant went through a comprehensive screening process, including review of technical capabilities, past performance, price, and cost. Valiant is an awardee in the Small Business HUBZone Group and is qualified in all 10 Task Areas.

U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Department of Education (ED) Cybersecurity and Privacy Support Services (CPSS) BPA

  • Cybersecurity Risk Management and Compliance
  • Information Systems Security Services
  • Cybersecurity Operations
  • Software Capability Development
  • Security Architecture Support
  • Security Engineering
  • Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation

Contract Number: 91003121A0019

Ceiling: $300M

PoP: 5/14/2021 - 5/13/2026

POC: Megan Hiorth,

The ED CPSS BPA enables the efficient acquisition of pre-vetted cybersecurity and privacy support services for the Federal Student Aid and ED Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO).

HHS Program Support Center (PSC) II IDIQ

  • Policy Assessments and Analysis
  • Program Assessments
  • Evaluation Design Efforts, Evaluations, and Data Collection
  • Performance Measurement
  • Technical Assistance and Expertise
  • Data Analysis
  • Auxiliary and Support Services

Contract Number: HHSP233201500066I

Ceiling: $500M

PoP: 3/16/2015 - 3/15/2025

POC: Megan Hiorth,

The PSC IDIQ was designed with the customer’s needs in mind, providing them with the flexibility to purchase cross-disciplinary commercial and non-commercial services. PSC II shortens the procurement lifecycle, accelerates the ordering process, and drives operational efficiencies – saving time and optimizing resources so Valiant’s customers can focus on their core mission(s).


NOAA Mission IT Services (NMITS) BPA

Core Management Components include:

  • Enterprise Services
  • Customer Support Services
  • Mission & Business Applications, Tools, Portals, & Web Services
  • Software Engineering, Development, and Integration
  • Mission & Business Application/Tool Development, Test Integration, and Maintenance
  • Enterprise Computing, Cloud, Storage, Shared & Field Services
  • Data and Voice Network Services
  • Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Services

Cross-cutting Services include:

  • Program Management
  • Subcontracted Technical Support Services
  • Call Out/Per Call Support Services
  • Surge Support Services
  • Deployment Support Services

Contract Number: GS-35F-290AA/1305M421ANAAA0079

Base PoP: 11/23/2020 - 11/19/2025

Option Period 1 (5 years): 11/20/2025 - 11/19/2030

Contract Types: Firm Fixed Price (FFP), Time and Materials (T&M), Labor Hour (LH), Hybrid

Ceiling: $2.1B

POC: Nate Raydo,

The NMITS BPA has a five-year base period of performance from date of award, plus one five-year option period. The potential value is $2.1 billion if all options are exercised. Task orders may have a period of performance up to 60 months past the ordering period, for a total period of up to 15 years. The NMITS contract provides NOAA-wide coverage for IT core management components and service areas as well as cross-cutting services that support the government through system design, development, fielding, and sustainment of global NOAA IT needs vital to the oceanic and atmospheric observing needs of the U.S. The services and capabilities supported by the NMITS contract provide adaptive and timely solutions for NOAA organizations to satisfy current and future IT requirements. NMITS supports both classified and unclassified programs on multiple networks and security domains, at multiple concurrent locations. NMITS Task orders may contain requirements for one or many of the service areas listed under the core management component. At the task order level, enterprise activities and services may be combined to maximize efficiencies, drive process improvements, eliminate service overlaps, and realize cost efficiencies to the government.

U.S. Department of Education (ED) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for Information Systems Security Support Services (I4S)

  • Program Management
  • Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) Support Services
  • GRC Tool Administration
  • Operations and Maintenance Security
  • Vulnerability Management Support
  • Information System Owner Support Services
  • Security Engineering Support Services
  • Transition In and Out Support

Contract Number: 91990023A0002

Ceiling: $73M

PoP: 04/17/2023-04/16/2028

POC: Matt Raydo,

The ED BPA for I4S allows Valiant to supply a wide range of services including Program Management; Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Tool Administration, Operations and Maintenance; Vulnerability Management Support; Information System Security Officer (ISSO) Support Services; Information System Owner Support Services; Security Engineering Support Services and Transition In and Out Support.

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) Cybersecurity CFPB BPA

  • Cybersecurity Services
  • Risk Management Services
  • Compliance Services
  • Transition In and Out Support

Contract Number: 20343023A00007

Ceiling: $50.8M

PoP: 09/05/2023-09/04/2028

POC: Matt Raydo,

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) has established a robust compliance framework and is now poised to elevate its cybersecurity posture through the adoption of continuous monitoring and automation technologies. As strategic advisors, Valiant and ShorePoint will spearhead cybersecurity modernization initiatives, thereby reinforcing FRTIB’s commitment to safeguarding the information of current and former civilian employees, along with members of the uniformed services, who save for retirement through the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).