An image representing Valiant's Risk Management Framework services

strategic risk governance

Federal IT is at a crossroads. Cloud adoption provides opportunity for faster deployments and automated, ongoing authorization of systems. At the same time, legacy systems retain their cruciality for most agencies, and significant infrastructure remains in on-premise environments. The executive accountability for system security and compliance increases with each front page federal system hack. Agency leaders commonly question the true value and security of their current compliance services and marvel at the increasing cost.
Valiant helps clients thrive with innovative approaches for federal system assessment and compliance.
Drawing from our “automate first” security engineering roots, Valiant quickly drives efficiency in the meticulous requirements of the Risk Management Framework (RMF). Consulting services for High Value Asset (HVA) and FIPS 199 categorization help clients quickly identify where to place their greatest risk assessment focus. Valiant creates a portfolio of assessment processes that handle the many types of IT within an agency, often limiting control sets greatly through control inheritance, policy, or an ongoing authorization process tailored to the system’s development approach. Federal clients are provided with hardened systems and up to a 70% reduction in ATO timelines and costs.
Valiant Solutions expertise includes:
  • ISSO Support Services
  • Automated Compliance
  • Policy
  • GRC
  • Assessment & Authorization
  • eGRC Tool Support
  • Continuous Monitoring
  • Continuous ATO Support
  • Assessment Process Tailoring
  • FISMA Compliance
  • Audit Defense